About Us

“Alberta Lamb Producers: Empowering the sheep industry through education, innovation and advocacy" 

Working for the Alberta Sheep Industry

Since 1972, Alberta sheep producers have strongly supported their provincial organisation, started as the Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission and renamed Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) in 2009.

ALP proudly works for every producer in our province to enhance advocacy, education, communication, research, and community-building for a stronger sheep industry.  The sheep industry can rely on ALP to provide:

  • Valued communications through N’ewesletter, SheepCentral Alberta (YouTube), Facebook and www.ablamb.ca

  • Access to free educational resources, like the ALP management modules, that cover everything from health to feeding; predation to business to help develop more efficient and productive operations.

  • A hub for industry information, contacts, and resources. 

  • Advocacy at every level of government and industry to promote industry interests and representation.

  • Collaboration with government and researchers to work towards solutions to issues impacting the sheep industry, including the development of practical management tools. Leveraging of industry funds typically means three dollars or more of external funding for every producer check-off dollar received - a highly leveraged return on producer investment.



Together, our efforts are paying off